Saturday, January 05, 2008

Mom's "Chili Peppers" Afghan

My mother crocheted another afghan entirely with donated yarn through my website. This one is called "Chili Peppers" and it's again about 30 x 40 inches. This one will be donated to a local Project Linus.

I'm very excited because I'm crocheting some slippers for military personnel abroad. I found this great website called Any Soldier where people can send letters and packages to servicemen and women abroad. I'm crocheting the slippers using some 100% wool yarn that someone donated. I had no idea what to do with wool yarn as it needs hand washing, but it's perfect for the military folks since they can wash the slippers by hand with no problem. Wool is perfect for slippers because it allows the feet to breathe while still providing plenty of warmth. I'll have pictures of the slippers soon.

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